11 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Because the developer does not want one in the game.
11 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by hellatze:
Originally posted by MortVent: Likely because they are not very common in the region it's set in. The items you find fit the area it's set in.. with a few exceptions (some being more military grade gear, but more plausable than a sword)

Though zomboid has a katana as a very rare drop/find... as an easter egg for a collector having owned it. Which is about the only way you'd find any functional sword in the area, outside of a museum (not a bad poi idea)
which region we set in ?
Northern Arizona off the top of my head.
11 months ago - Roland - Direct link
I'm pretty sure there are mods that add swords not to mention many other types of weapons. It's pretty easy to learn how to add mods to this game if you haven't ever tried it before.

I don't think the developers plan to add any new weapons before the 1.0 release. Maybe they will expand on weapons and other things after 1.0 so until/if that happens mods are your best bet.

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