over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Ehm... It's a Tactical Assault Rifle, last i checked, not a Tactical Rifle. It's a machine gun. The Ak47 is also an Assault Rifle. Even if i'm wrong and it's named Tactical Rifle, it's still modeled after I think an M4A1(?) which is an assault rifle- And it fires in three round burst by default, not single shot like the actual rifles.

SMG uses 9mm ammunition, and belongs to the handgun tree because it is, comparatively to machine guns, lower damage, lower range and quieter. But more importantly it's basically a fancy handgun.

Functionally speaking, on the whole, ARs/Machine Guns are dressed up automatic rifles and use rifle ammunition. SMG's are dressed up automatic pistols and use handgun ammunition.

Game wise, Non automatic rifles belong to the Rifle tree, Automatic rifles belong to the Machine gun tree, and both handguns and SMG's belong to the handgun tree since there isn't currently a separate smg skill for them the way there is for Rifle and MG's.