about 7 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I think debug mode is not listed within the admin permissions file by default, and as such it wont let you use it?

Your serveradmin.xml should look similar to this, Some of the commands above are ones i had to manually add to the file (Namely SE, ST, DM, TP, and Tele, i think) If they are NOT within this file, the command is not usable.

If you don't have access to the file you should be able to add commands in game by using the cp add command, in this case "cp add debugmenu 0"
about 7 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Nobody:
Originally posted by Shurenai: If they are NOT within this file, the command is not usable.

Commands not specified in this file will have a default permission level of 0!
That's..Very strange then, Because me and my friends were having trouble using a number of commands prior to including them within the file, despite all being admin w/ level 0 permission.. Guess thats just some oddity we ran into then, or maybe a relic from an older version of the game when we had the trouble?