over 4 years
ago -
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Devs have zero intention of adding dual wielding, full stop. You're welcome to request it of course; Modders are welcome to try and make it themselves; But the devs have no intention of including dual wielding into the vanilla game at this time.
It's also my understanding that they won't include shields since it's an offhand weapon and would inherently require dual wielding to be included, or blocking of any sort due to how they want weapons to be mouse controlled with left/right click, and adding block would interfere with the attack/power attack setup melee weapons currently have.
With that said, If you want to get a response from devs; Or at least make it more likely for your comments to be seen by the devs, you'll be better off to post on the main forum as the devs don't peruse the steam forums much/at all: https://community.7daystodie.com/
It's also my understanding that they won't include shields since it's an offhand weapon and would inherently require dual wielding to be included, or blocking of any sort due to how they want weapons to be mouse controlled with left/right click, and adding block would interfere with the attack/power attack setup melee weapons currently have.
With that said, If you want to get a response from devs; Or at least make it more likely for your comments to be seen by the devs, you'll be better off to post on the main forum as the devs don't peruse the steam forums much/at all: https://community.7daystodie.com/