10 months
ago -
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No, this is not common with one exception. If you crash the game client (Alt+F4), your computer crashes, or loses power unexpectedly, any files that are actively being written to are going to be corrupted. Not just game files, but system files too.
In the case that something like this happens, there are backups in place so you could possibly restore. However attempting to launch the save prior to taking the restoration actions will over-write the backups with the corrupted files.
The process for recovery in this situation is outlined in the Pinned Troubleshooting thread in the Support section of this forum.
If you have some other issue, follow the instructions and post a thread with the required information in the Support section.
In the case that something like this happens, there are backups in place so you could possibly restore. However attempting to launch the save prior to taking the restoration actions will over-write the backups with the corrupted files.
The process for recovery in this situation is outlined in the Pinned Troubleshooting thread in the Support section of this forum.
If you have some other issue, follow the instructions and post a thread with the required information in the Support section.