about 1 year
ago -
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Generally speaking, If the thread has an Objective and clear cut factual answer and has little to no discuss-ability, It belongs in Questions & Answers.
If it doesn't have a clear cut factual answer and is more open to discussion, it belongs in General Discussions.
To pose an example of each:
"What do you guys think of the water changes?", This is asking about the Subjective thoughts of other users and is likely to spur on a continuing discussion- Ergo, it is a General Discussion thread.
"How do I put mods in my weapons and tools?" meanwhile is asking for something that has a clear cut factual answer to it- One or more users may answer the question to help the OP, but, ultimately, there isn't much to discuss on this topic except any off-topic content people making replies may bring into the thread.. Being devoid of any real discussion fuel and with a clear factual answer likely provided in the first couple responses,This is definitely something that belongs in Q&A.
There's some nuance to it, but broadly, that pretty much sums up the reasoning we use behind the two forum sections.
Ultimately though, as the others said, Don't stress over it too much, if you pick wrong it gets moved, no biggie.
I would like to say though that I do appreciate that you consider where your topic best belongs.
Edit: Incidentally, This thread is itself 'Off Topic', so I've moved it. We use Off Topic for any discussion that is not directly about the game itself.
If it doesn't have a clear cut factual answer and is more open to discussion, it belongs in General Discussions.
To pose an example of each:
"What do you guys think of the water changes?", This is asking about the Subjective thoughts of other users and is likely to spur on a continuing discussion- Ergo, it is a General Discussion thread.
"How do I put mods in my weapons and tools?" meanwhile is asking for something that has a clear cut factual answer to it- One or more users may answer the question to help the OP, but, ultimately, there isn't much to discuss on this topic except any off-topic content people making replies may bring into the thread.. Being devoid of any real discussion fuel and with a clear factual answer likely provided in the first couple responses,This is definitely something that belongs in Q&A.
There's some nuance to it, but broadly, that pretty much sums up the reasoning we use behind the two forum sections.
Ultimately though, as the others said, Don't stress over it too much, if you pick wrong it gets moved, no biggie.
I would like to say though that I do appreciate that you consider where your topic best belongs.
Edit: Incidentally, This thread is itself 'Off Topic', so I've moved it. We use Off Topic for any discussion that is not directly about the game itself.