over 4 years
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At the current rate of progression for the average player, They'll have their first guns by the second horde night, Be well kitted out by the third, And armed to the teeth by the fourth. In the grand scheme of things, That's 28 days. Back in the day, the game kept getting harder right on up to day 52; After that it more or less plateau'd. Even now it still takes around 50+ days for the difficulty to hit it's absolute peak on default settings. So we're STILL advancing way too fast for the difficulty curve, In a game that's meant to last an average of 50 days, And can continue on well past 100.
Like, I get it, To someone that's been playing A18, Or A17, Or A16, It feels like molasses. But it's really not that bad; And ultimately depends on what you choose to do. You can still find guns and such, rarely, in loot even at a low gamestage- It's just actually rare now instead of having 50 guns by the end of day 1, and being in nothing but purple gear by day 7.
Like, I get it, To someone that's been playing A18, Or A17, Or A16, It feels like molasses. But it's really not that bad; And ultimately depends on what you choose to do. You can still find guns and such, rarely, in loot even at a low gamestage- It's just actually rare now instead of having 50 guns by the end of day 1, and being in nothing but purple gear by day 7.
Originally posted by Mard-E-Momin: It's a half done system. In A20 they'll be implementing the other half which allows you to get better loot from higher tiered buildings at the cost of facing tougher enemies.Also this. Unfinished systems are unfinished and still being refined. :)