about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
1: Yes, Blood Moon Count will spawn zombies on a per player basis in attempt to maintain the maximum value selected. If you set it to 8, it will spawn 8 per player, and should any given zombie die, it will immediately respawn at the edges of the area and come to attack again.

2: No. If the players are sufficiently far away from one another (100+ blocks, i think) then they will only get zombie spawns suited to themselves regardless of their alliances and party. Some players recieving less spawns is an issue with too many players on a single server/and or too high of a zombie count for the current players. There is a maximum spawn limit of zombies server wide (80 by default); So if you for example have a count of 32, but four players, then P1 and P2 will get the full 32, while P3 will get sporraddic spawns, and P4 may even end up with none at all.

Likewise, even if you have the count set low at 8, if you have 16 players on the server, then some players will get none as the zombie spawns would cap after serving 10 of the 16 players (assuming default settings). So provided that your count and max zombie spawn values are set appropriately, this should not be an issue.

3: There are two settings that affect blood moons. Blood Moon Frequency and Blood Moon Range.

Blood Moon Frequency functions as the Minimum value between blood moons. If you have a frequency of 7 and a range of 0, the blood moon will ALWAYS be on the 7th day, without fail. EG: 7/14/21/28/35/etc

Blood Moon Range functions as an additive value of 1-X on top of the Frequency. If you have a Frequency of 1, and a Range of 30, then the horde night could occur anywhere from that first day, to the 30th day.

Likewise, if you have a frequency of 7, and a range of 14, then the first blood moon in the save could occur anywhere from the 7th to the 21st.

The value of range is randomly chosen at the beginning of the save and then at the end of every passing horde night based on your setting. So with a Frequency of 1 and a range of 7, it may roll 4 the first time, then 7 the second time, then 1 the third time, etc.

And to be clear, Range is purely added on top of the frequency value- So it is always Frequency+Range; Range does not cause the game to create hordes more often than the set Frequency. Frequency = Minimum, Range = Randomized addition to maximum.

Hopefully that's all clearly explained. :)

Edit: So for what you've expressed you want, you likely want a Frequency of 1, and a range of anywhere from 7 to 14 days This would mean it could, concievably, occur back to back if you're having awful luck, Or you may have a long reprieve, but more likely have an average of 7 days as far as things go. May be 4, or 8, or 3 or 9.. etc.

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