over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
It gets so much hate because it doesn't fly like a Helicopter. Despite it being a Gyro copter and not a Heli copter.
over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Naomi_chi: Mainly because the flying is odd and takes some getting used to. People have little patience for quirky controls that could be simplified with 0 drawbacks. I think the devs wanted to do something unique but what they ended up doing was just a strange choice. It's just controls, not ideas. You are allowed to mimic the way BF2's helicopters fly for example, just like you're allowed to put W as your moving-forward key.

If you get used to it, it's nothing really. Getting there is the frustrating part for players who don't care much for the controls.
Okay but...It's NOT a HELIcopter.
It is a GYRO copter. And gyro copters are the real life predecessor to helicopters. and it controls almost identically to a real life gyro copter. They didn't try to make something unique; They implemented an existing vehicle as true to life as is reasonable for a non-simulator environment.
over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Yeah, it's mostly because people have no clue what a gyro-copter is, and think it's a helicopter, which it isn't.

Most of the hate is basically because the hater doesn't know what they're talking about. Some other is because they just can't wrap their head around how the flight mechanics work, though this is largely because of the first reason.

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