12 months ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
All the character stuff will be brand new art. All new player bodies, wearing all new armor. So from a development standpoint, there is no keeping this or that asset from A21. Anything ‘kept’ would in practice be recreated for the new system.

Making all these new characters and armor sets (modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, hooking up in game, adding to crafting & looting & so on) keeps people busy! So I’m not expecting the same people had time to also make a library of additional fashion assets, that they’re still hiding up their sleeve.

What’s going to elevate the game is the comprehensive package of new player characters and armors, replacing the assets that have served as placeholders for so long. It’ll be another big step towards having a finished game.
12 months ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
I don’t think having aesthetically mismatched armor pieces would bother me personally. But to each their own.

I think people are imagining the set bonuses are going to be amazing, like +50% run speed or double cash from quests. I’m expecting more modest bonuses, that aren’t so good you feel you have to wear the set. I also wonder how the progression is timed out: how far into a playthrough we’ll get before acquiring a full set of armor in the first place.