over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Changing the difficulty changes the damage you deal to zeds, and the damage they deal to you. That's really all it does.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Blue Hasia: ah ok, but the effect that they become more of a bullet sponges is still the same XD
It is. That is basically all it does is make them bullet sponges and make it so they hit you harder.

Instead, it should increase the number of zeds, make harder zeds spawn sooner, and make overall gameplay more difficult. It should have additional multipliers to gamestage (it used to), and should lower lootstage progression. IMHO, it should also adjust trader prices and quest rewards to make things harder to get.

Sadly, you're likely only ever going to see this in an overhaul due to how these different systems are managed.

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