about 4 years
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Originally posted by Ricktor: using a sprite in a 3d environment isn't a camera "issue" that's how sprites work i.e. 2d plane in a 3d world, and what was said by them isn't solved by removing it from a crafting menu. No to put it simply people abuse something dev says yeah naw we got you boo, but heres some loot buff candy "because its just a variable hidden in the code you will never see". And to be completely honest I can agree its a pita to see at certain view angles, but that doesnt do a lick when you STILL use it in the game as an asset
Originally posted by Unholyjoe: the flat sheets are only still in game for designers until a replacement is decided on.Stand in until a replacement is decided on- Then when they decide on the new option, they can completely replace the asset and have it already set up in every POI, and not have to go through every POI to find all the places there was barbed wire and replace it one by one.
Yknow, The intelligent use of resources instead of just blanket deleting the existing asset from the game when you already know you're planning to replace it down the line.