9 months
ago -
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At the end of the day, It's not a realistic survival game. It's a Survival Sandbox game. That means that You have some pretty hefty responsibility to define the rules of play that you engage with in order to have a good time- If you just sit in the sandbox and expect the sand to jump into the shape of a castle, or a dragon, or whatever, You're gonna have a bad time.
Death is meaningless- Unless you enforce a play rule of total loss or permadeath as Mithrandir says. Trader quests are repetetive IF you allow yourself to just run them over and over repetitiously; Some users simply never speak to a trader at all, others like myself limit them to one a day at most.
It's your sandbox. You wield a great deal of power to align the rules in a way that you have fun with. They won't just align themselves for you, it's not a linear story game where all the rules are spelled out and set up ahead of time and you just walk down the linear path to glory.
Death is meaningless- Unless you enforce a play rule of total loss or permadeath as Mithrandir says. Trader quests are repetetive IF you allow yourself to just run them over and over repetitiously; Some users simply never speak to a trader at all, others like myself limit them to one a day at most.
It's your sandbox. You wield a great deal of power to align the rules in a way that you have fun with. They won't just align themselves for you, it's not a linear story game where all the rules are spelled out and set up ahead of time and you just walk down the linear path to glory.