over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Mithrandir: As much as it's normal to get hurt in this situation, I do think we should have a better UI feedback on each hp loss doing that. It's too easy to miss it and die without even being aware of what's going on.
You get an audial warning on each "attack" when your arm is sprained.
A normal attack is 1hp per use. A power attack/repair is 4hp per use.

You do get both visual UI and audio feedback when you hit 25% hp.

The only reason the OP died, is because they weren't paying any attention to their character.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Kara: wow, can't be a bug or anything. Let's just insult the OP instead...
I mean, the OP basically described exactly what would happen if you performed those actions and did not watch your health.

He didn't describe a bug. He described ignorance of an existing game mechanic. It isn't like he just suddenly died out of nowhere. He was busy repairing his base. Performing an action repetitively that would decrease his health in each occurrence of the action.

If he wants to provide evidence to the contrary, then maybe it could be presented as a bug. Then we would need definitive information like a log and video of reproducing the event. He hasn't been back since posting though, so we have no further information from him.

Until that happens, the easiest explanation is the obvious one. OP performed an action that would result in loss of health, lost health until he died, and then was shocked that he died from loss of health. There are no insults to the OP in this thread.

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