8 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
There is a Pinned thread with the information you seek.
8 months ago - Roland - Direct link
There are some new features. Buckle up since there’s no telling if they will enhance or ruin the experience for you personally. Hopefully you will enjoy what’s new/changed.
8 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by DaGamingMelon: Well i didnt mind the 1.0 video they uploaded on their site. I was however amused at how the so called "co-founder" of 7 days richard had such a lack of interest or passion about the next update that he was clearly reading queue cards next to the camera great to see the amount of carelessness there is around this game
I'd say it's more telling about how often and how greatly the community tends to take the words of the devs WAY out of context and meaning; And so the devs have responded by tightening down the hatches and pre-writing scripts that could be scrutinized and cross examined as much as possible before being read aloud for a huge announcement video.

On being questioned on the subject of an Estimate for the A20 experimental release by a user, Rick responded "We'd like to have it out by halloween, but a more realistic projection would be more towards christmas"
The users:
took that entirely out of the context of being an Estimate and completely ignored the second half of the phrase, resulting in the userbase being under the understanding that the A20 experimental WOULD release on, or before October 31st of that year, and users were raising a fuss and then an absolute ♥♥♥♥ storm over it in the weeks leeding up to the 31st and for weeks afterwards...
...And this is not the only example, it is one of many...:
It should no longer terribly surpsing that the devs have gotten more and more strict and policed about the words they say publicly. Ya'll, spoken broadly, can't be trusted to actually read and understand the information presented.

:conwayheadscratch: Me personally, I think I'd have a terrible lack of passion too, If I'd been cattle herded into having to read a twenty times revised script instead of just talking excitedly and joyously about all the things I did since the last version that would be coming in the upcoming update by the very users I spent a decade of my life creating a game for just so there was no risk of misunderstanding. :conwayshrug:

Hell, Just a few hours after the recent 1.0 dev stream announcement, there was a user who came to the 1.0 dev diary thread here on steam who had seen that announcement and interpreted May 31st as the release date of the 1.0, and was asking about what time it would be dropped.

The question they were asking was even already addressed within that very same announcement; 9PM. So they not only misinterpreted the announcement, They also didn't even fully READ the announcement or they wouldn't have had to ask what time it would happen. (And to be clear, I mean no ill will to the user cited here; They may have been tired, Or ESL, Or what have you.)

Originally posted by Version 1.0 Dev Stream: Version 1.0 Developer Streams begin Friday night May 31st at 9 PM

View full event information here:

Stuff like this is exactly why official posted videos like the 1.0 announcement are scripted. And why the devs have to watch their words so heavily in dev streams. That estimate from earlier was asked about in a dev stream; When Rick replied to that user, the other devs on the stream at the time all collectively groaned and jumped in to try and make it potently clear that it was an ESTIMATE and not in any way a concrete date... And it was still taken out of context and as a concrete guaranteed date. :conwayfacepalm: