over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Changelog b5-b8


Ambulance, Mopower and working stiff service trucks


Removed simple rotations from POI decoration hubcapNoMine


Toolbelt slots 9&10 do not have localization

Exchanged Feral Hawaiian with old model

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by zyocuh

Is there an ETA for the drone that was previewed awhile back?


over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by tahaan

I can't find the new vehicles.....? Are they definitely in the new build?

Did you generate a new map for them to spawn in?

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by tahaan

I just started a new Navesgane game.

Cannot confirm they've been placed throughout Nav yet. Try a vanilla RWG for now.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by tahaan

I take that to mean that they won't be in my existing game that I started in A19.0 ?

Correct. Things don't spawn into existing games, it needs to be created/generated.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by Appropriate-Pepper19

Hi Stabby, can you clarify “things” a bit? Is it just world objects? When I loaded my existing A19 save into A19E b4 the new zombies started appearing immediately.

Also can you confirm A20 is going to update loot tables again so that higher level POIs give you a chance at better loot? Someone had mentioned that and just wanted to see if it was true.

They're the same zeds, just with different skins, all their inner workings are the same.

As for A20, the roadmap is still being worked out, but some information will start becoming public about all that some time in the near future :)

A good tip is if you don't see/hear it from TFP directly, it's speculation. The forums will have all kinds of goodies for you. I only really post these changelogs because the website instantly crashes when there's an update.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by Appropriate-Pepper19

Keep up the good work. I’m a new player but man this became my favorite game of all time overnight.

Then welcome :) it's the only game I've ever played where after almost 4,000 hours I still feel like a rookie.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by CarbonPhoenix96

My buddy and I introduced our friend to this game recently (we've both been playing since a14) and he's obsessed. When all three of us can't play together he's just making random bases in creative.

The real challenge is making them in Survival, even on easier difficulties!

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by zyocuh

OH Ziplines and behmoths would have also been greatr

Unfortunately it was mentioned in one of the Dev streams that ziplines were canned because it made things FAR too easy to escape zombies. I mean, convenient? sh*t yes. Game breaking? Also yes.

The behemoth is also RIP - BUT - other obscure plans have been announced for specialist zeds.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRealStandard

I'm insanely disappointed this didn't make it into A19

To be truthful, it really wasn't ready. The general synopsis was that TFP would rather hold off a decent drone than hastily shove in one that would disappoint you guys.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainConfidential

Can you provide details on the last note about Exchanged Feral hawaiian with old model? Was the new model removed or were feral ones still spawning with the old model and that's now fixed?

It was simply an error where the feral Hawaii looked different to the other Hawaii zeds. They all match now.

over 4 years ago - /u/StabbyInc - Direct link

Originally posted by Lorddenorstrus

Odd thing that's been happening to me since patch. When ever I generate a world that looks decent on preview I make a copy and fly around on Cheat mode before deciding to make a real version of the world or not for me and friends but.. since patch if a zombie sees and attacks you while you're mid air i'm getting Nullreference errors as the zombie AI update seems confused on attacking a mid air person.

Ensure important bugs like this are reported on the forums. Include your logs so we know exactly what is going on.

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