over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I am, personally. If my storage gets destroyed, it means I failed to place it in a safe location or that I failed to adequately protect the location. It's not as if it breaks at random for no reason at all.

On top of that, It doesn't disappear instantly, although it is somewhat quick. You can loot the little bag that drops and save some/all of your stuff depending on how full the container was.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
In short, there are some safeguards in place in an effort to keep it from happening, and changing the behavior to prevent it altogether wouldn’t be simple. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your stuff, though.
over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Groucho: nyes.

Im ok for punishing mechanics, but someone may not, so i think it would be nice to give the ability to change it
Well in the case of accidental destruction, you could just edit the time the bags stay alive to have a better chance to gather the items.

In the OP's actual issue (which is not destruction) it is not so easy to change. Starting a quest resets the entire POI. If you have placed anything in the area of the POI, it will be removed. You can't reset the POI, and at the same time say "oh but exclude this random container some guy placed".

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