about 1 year
ago -
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The swap/page file is entirely windows/OS controlled. The Fun Pimps have zero control or ability to impact any change over that. If you dont want a swap/page file, Then go disable it in your OS settings.
Just be aware.. If you don't have swap/page file enabled, if you ever hit 100% ram for any reason, It's an instant unrecoverable hard crash of your PC, because at 100% ram, your OS literally can't do anything. That's in large part why the swap/page file exists in the first place; So that the OS can see you're riding up near the limit of ram and take early measures to shunt less necessary things to disk before it hits 100%.
Just be aware.. If you don't have swap/page file enabled, if you ever hit 100% ram for any reason, It's an instant unrecoverable hard crash of your PC, because at 100% ram, your OS literally can't do anything. That's in large part why the swap/page file exists in the first place; So that the OS can see you're riding up near the limit of ram and take early measures to shunt less necessary things to disk before it hits 100%.