about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
The swap/page file is entirely windows/OS controlled. The Fun Pimps have zero control or ability to impact any change over that. If you dont want a swap/page file, Then go disable it in your OS settings.

Just be aware.. If you don't have swap/page file enabled, if you ever hit 100% ram for any reason, It's an instant unrecoverable hard crash of your PC, because at 100% ram, your OS literally can't do anything. That's in large part why the swap/page file exists in the first place; So that the OS can see you're riding up near the limit of ram and take early measures to shunt less necessary things to disk before it hits 100%.
about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Disabling/forcing the swap is not recommended since Windows 7 SP2. A lot of applications will utilize it for long-term storage to keep RAM available, and previous issues with Windows not allocating a proper amount were fixed eons ago.

Also note that the Swap reference is the Unity engine, and not TFP code.
about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by One_PULSE:
Originally posted by Shurenai: The swap/page file is entirely windows/OS controlled. The Fun Pimps have zero control or ability to impact any change over that. If you dont want a swap/page file, Then go disable it in your OS settings.

Just be aware.. If you don't have swap/page file enabled, if you ever hit 100% ram for any reason, It's an instant unrecoverable hard crash of your PC, because at 100% ram, your OS literally can't do anything. That's in large part why the swap/page file exists in the first place; So that the OS can see you're riding up near the limit of ram and take early measures to shunt less necessary things to disk before it hits 100%.
Thank you. The answer is clear and understandable.
But let's take this game to a maximum of 12.5 GB. as a result of exposure.
And then keep in mind that even if it loaded all 16/16 GB. Then the friezes would have started, not the crashes.
A bug in the game itself, the creators were too lazy to make it right as soon as possible
It sounds like you've got your graphical settings too high and the excess the computer should be putting in vram is going into ram since your vram is capped out.

7DTD shouldn't be taking 12.5-15+gb of ram at any point. But if you set your graphical settings too high, most notably texture resolution, what cant go into vram will go into ram instead.

So, to pose an example... Say you have a graphics card with 4gb of vram. Full texture resolution alone requires 8gb of vram; So if you set it to full, then you'll have the game itself in ram as well as 4gb of textures so that the game can make use of them. If you have other settings up too high as well you may well have 6, 8 or even more gigs of things that should be in vram but are getting shunted to ram because there's no space in the vram.

TL;DR: Try lowering your settings- Most notably, texture resolution.
A normal amount of ram use by 7DTD when you aren't overloading your vram with poor setting choices is in the ballpark of 3-6gb depending on world size, and there are no known memory leaks at this time.