about 1 year
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10 years of ongoing development instead of having given up at any point.
10 years of steadily remaining in the top 50~ of the steam charts despite many competitors and many new and great games.
10 years of steady growth from an average playerbase of 1500 online at any given time to an average playerbase of 30k+ online at any given time, representing millions of users monthly.
...Could cite a few more. Obviously it's not the greatest that development isn't complete by now- But they're taking their time and trying to do it right, when they could've cut out 5 years ago with a version most people were happy with and moved on even though that would've meant missing out on a lot of their promised features from the kickstarter.
But, Overall, I think that, Yeah, It's reasonable to be proud.
Edit: Minor correction; Meant millions of users monthly, not daily. Edited in the correct word above.
10 years of steadily remaining in the top 50~ of the steam charts despite many competitors and many new and great games.
10 years of steady growth from an average playerbase of 1500 online at any given time to an average playerbase of 30k+ online at any given time, representing millions of users monthly.
...Could cite a few more. Obviously it's not the greatest that development isn't complete by now- But they're taking their time and trying to do it right, when they could've cut out 5 years ago with a version most people were happy with and moved on even though that would've meant missing out on a lot of their promised features from the kickstarter.
But, Overall, I think that, Yeah, It's reasonable to be proud.
Edit: Minor correction; Meant millions of users monthly, not daily. Edited in the correct word above.