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Originally posted by Pain Weasel:Originally posted by Virtual Insanity: So i'm genuinely curios, has the default difficulty become impossible for an average Joe with no external knowledge of strange meta structure formations for defense etc.. to have a fair shake?The good thing about the game, particularly as it relates to bases, is that you can learn over time. The difficulty ramp up is fairly well balanced to the pace of your progression so the more casual you play the more sedate the pace. If you just play the game you won't need some crazy meta base on day 7, or even day 14, maybe not even 21. Build something simple, observe how the zombies respond and add on as you go.
Are they focusing on one part of your base, and if so, what is different about it?
Build, observe, improve, repeat.
You generally have a long time to learn before things get really crazy.
I would second that. You can make strategically ‘dumb’ decisions your first few weeks and still survive horde night. But you’ll likely see what the biggest threats/weaknesses are, to address for next time.
Originally posted by CatPerson:I think the "default" difficulty, IIRC, was also actually lowered one notch. So what was "default" initially back when, is now actually the notch one higher. eg, default/starting is easier than in the past in that regard.
Yep, that happened.Originally posted by Virtual Insanity: Thankyou all for your replies.
Someone mentioned magazines. These were a thing about 7 years ago, sounds like they've returned.
It’s more bite sized now, like finding literature all over, but one page at a time. And key is that you’ll find more magazines on the topics on which you spent your skill points. For more, you can find plenty of discussion on this in other threads.