about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Blitz4: I was told that there is a limitation in Unity to show all craftable items in the crafting menu. I don't buy that excuse. Even if that is truly an issue at the moment, then adding #1 above would be a good temporary solution until #2 is added.
Just to answer this in isolation; Specifically, what I said was that too many recipes/blocks/etc available in a single crafting menu/inventory will cause FPS loss and inventory lag. It's totally doable- Easily even. But, it is, at least currently, detrimental to gameplay.

Try enabling creative mode some time; Most likely, when you have creative mode enabled, you'll notice a subtle lag in every inventory/menu related action; That's because every time you shift panels, or select an item in the inventory it reloads all the crafting lists and all available items. For some it's not as bad; But it very present, and very annoying- And not at all an enjoyable effect.

Previously, All recipes WERE visible in the crafting menu- But there were complaints about the lag, so it was split up by crafting station to kill the lag and freezeups.
about 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
#1 is already there. You can see in your skills what books you have read.
#2 is just you denying the truth because it doesn't match your agenda. This is a Voxel game. Do some research.
In fact, test it yourself. Make a mod that makes it so that all the recipes show up unfiltered. Then watch your performance tank any time you open your inventory, a forge, or a workstation.
about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Blitz4: As an update. Found that Unity Pro and Enterprise do offer tech support from Unity. So the devs chose not to fix the issue.
You're making some hella assumptions right there. What if it could be fixed but required sacrificing some other major part of the game they didn't consider to be worth the loss? Or maybe they tried and tech support wasn't very helpful? Or something else?

Tech support isn't magic. They'll try to help- But it doesn't mean the help will be successful.
about 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
TFP are actually working directly with the developers of Unity in optimizing the client code.

Again, do some damn research on Voxel engines, and how resource-intensive they can be. This isn't GTA-V.