about 2 months
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BSOD is PC or driver issue. Not a game issue.
Troubleshoot your BSOD code
Troubleshoot your BSOD code
Originally posted by Orca MS15LF:So what is your BSOD code then?Originally posted by Carinth: The Blue screen of death as you call it in this game can usually be corrected in your computer bios. If you are using turbo settings in the bios on on your system this can cause an instability in some games and programs resulting in this problem occurring. Sometimes you may see the error WHEA_unrecoverable_error on your bluescreen. This is an indication that it is hardware related, although in alot of cases the hardware error cannot be tracked down. It is the turbo that actually is causing the issue and most ppl don't think to check this setting so the problem never gets resolved.
Go into your bios and disable your turbo function or disable any turbo software you are using and test it. You may actually find your system performs better without turbo enabled.
Then why is this all happening with my brand-new laptop as well as my old one? This game was running fine for over two years and then I stopped playing it for some months and when I went to start playing it again, the problem came out of nowhere. Then already ordered a new laptop and I found out the same problem is happening with my new laptop in exactly the same way and it's not new to me, it's brand-new. Never used before. How can I have a BIOS problem with a brand-new laptop when I never with my old laptop when it was brand-new? Both laptops are also the same make.
I still believe the game is causing this. I find it also interesting that Easy Anti-Cheat crashes and crashes my laptops with this game and not with Sniper Elite 5. I don't believe it's an Easy Anti-Cheat problem anymore, I believe there's a problem with 7 Days to Die.
Originally posted by Orca MS15LF: I'm not a computer pro so I don't even know how to find out what my BIOS code is.http://lmgtfy2.com/?q=how+to+see+bsod+error+code