over 1 year
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You're right, The food makes zero sense.
So we should also take away the backpack that lets us carry an entire skyscraper and multiple entire vehicles.
We should also do away with that pesky way the player can mine a cubic meter of stone in about 1 ingame minute, That takes an actual human HOURS, Can you believe how imbalanced that is? The player character digs even faster than a literal CAT excavator!
And the way the player character can sprint practically non-stop for hours with just a few seconds of rest every few minutes is ridiculous- Real life sprinters can only sprint for about 8-15 seconds at best before they slow down considerably because their muscles literally burn through their reserves of ATP and can't produce new ATP fast enough to keep up.
Oh, oh, and the way the player can heal from broken bones in 30 minutes with a splint, or heck even 2 hours without one- That's absolutely absurd. It takes MONTHS irl to recover from a broken bone, if you ever fully recover.
And the way the player can just plop down wholly formed building blocks? Ridiculous. A cubic meter of stone and mortar weighs as much as a car!
It's a game, yo. Lots of unrealistic things here, Game balance > Realism. If you were as super humanly capable of absurd feats as the player character, I reckon you'd be eating your weight in calories several times a day too- And still feeling like you're starving, Not like you're about to puke.
So we should also take away the backpack that lets us carry an entire skyscraper and multiple entire vehicles.
We should also do away with that pesky way the player can mine a cubic meter of stone in about 1 ingame minute, That takes an actual human HOURS, Can you believe how imbalanced that is? The player character digs even faster than a literal CAT excavator!
And the way the player character can sprint practically non-stop for hours with just a few seconds of rest every few minutes is ridiculous- Real life sprinters can only sprint for about 8-15 seconds at best before they slow down considerably because their muscles literally burn through their reserves of ATP and can't produce new ATP fast enough to keep up.
Oh, oh, and the way the player can heal from broken bones in 30 minutes with a splint, or heck even 2 hours without one- That's absolutely absurd. It takes MONTHS irl to recover from a broken bone, if you ever fully recover.
And the way the player can just plop down wholly formed building blocks? Ridiculous. A cubic meter of stone and mortar weighs as much as a car!
It's a game, yo. Lots of unrealistic things here, Game balance > Realism. If you were as super humanly capable of absurd feats as the player character, I reckon you'd be eating your weight in calories several times a day too- And still feeling like you're starving, Not like you're about to puke.