about 1 year
ago -
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The only real thing about increasing the delay until it happens, is that it will increase the difficulty somewhat.
Not because of the day count.
Because you will be able to reach a higher gamestage before bloodmoon.
Same difference if you increase the day length to something like 90 minutes.
There aren't really any major cons unless you are focusing on min/maxing your character. In which case you will be a much higher gamestage than you have materials to defend. If you are playing as intended, then it is really no issue.
Not because of the day count.
Because you will be able to reach a higher gamestage before bloodmoon.
Same difference if you increase the day length to something like 90 minutes.
There aren't really any major cons unless you are focusing on min/maxing your character. In which case you will be a much higher gamestage than you have materials to defend. If you are playing as intended, then it is really no issue.