almost 4 years
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It used to be that the Motorcycle was faster than the 4x4; But now it's the same speed. 4x4 has more storage space though.
And yes, Generally speaking, the better vehicle types use more fuel. Motorcycle uses more than minibike; 4x4 more than motorcycle, and gyro more than 4x4.
But at the same time; You're not likely to have a much higher tier vehicle earlier in the game; And the later in the game you are, the more likely you can handle the fuel consumption. The moment you get the gas can recipe and can mine oilshale for gas, you'll never run out of fuel as long as you go mine once in awhile (or do one big mining trip for 100-500k+fuel)
And yes, Generally speaking, the better vehicle types use more fuel. Motorcycle uses more than minibike; 4x4 more than motorcycle, and gyro more than 4x4.
But at the same time; You're not likely to have a much higher tier vehicle earlier in the game; And the later in the game you are, the more likely you can handle the fuel consumption. The moment you get the gas can recipe and can mine oilshale for gas, you'll never run out of fuel as long as you go mine once in awhile (or do one big mining trip for 100-500k+fuel)