about 4 years
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Originally posted by Pumathang: So... I have to use the jar, not the can? And... I can re-use the jar ONLY if I drink out of it, but can't use it for purifying or cooking the water? I only had found one glass jar so far and it disappeared, so if it's normal to lose it, I doubt I'm going to be getting a stack of 125 of them any time soon.You can boil the jar; You only consume the jar when making actual cooking recipes that use it like boiling an egg. You can purify the water and drink that with no issue.
Maybe I'm still missing something, because 12% chance of getting sick from murky water seems a lot safer than 100% chance of eating a glass jar...?
Similarly, you can fill jars with any number of jars- Not just 125. If you only have 5 jars, fill 5 jars at the water source.