almost 5 years
ago -
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People have been bringing up "too long in Alpha" ever since 2015 when it hit its 2-year anniversary in Early Access. All the accusations of "dishonest devs" "lazy devs" "incompetent devs" "uncaring devs" "disorganized devs" etc etc etc were all made way back then and it turns out we were barely into it. Here we are now an additional five years beyond that time and the same exact pointless dialogues are happening.
Obviously, all of this talk about nothing has zero effect on how quickly or slowly the game is developed. "It's done when it's done!" is the only answer TFP has for those who wonder when it will be over. The journey is a ride that you either enjoy or don't. If the destination is all you care about then wait for it.
Obviously, all of this talk about nothing has zero effect on how quickly or slowly the game is developed. "It's done when it's done!" is the only answer TFP has for those who wonder when it will be over. The journey is a ride that you either enjoy or don't. If the destination is all you care about then wait for it.