about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Generally speaking, No, You don't have to restart for Minor version changes, that is, A21.2, A21.3, A21.4,etc. It's sometimes Recommended to start over for stability's sake, but typically not a Requirement.

Major build changes on the other hand always necessitate a restart- These would be A20.0, A21.0, A22.0, etc. Too much gets changed between major builds for save compatibility.
about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Forgot to note this, Additionally, you can opt into previous major builds when a new one is released- So there's nothing stopping you from just staying on A21. until you're satisfied and done with your A21. save when the Major build A22 is eventually released.
about 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
To be clear about one thing: no one that’s concerned about starting over should be playing experimental builds, which is what A21.2 is at this moment. That’s why you have to opt in. Experimental builds are for people that want to help bug test and/or can’t wait to preview the changes and accept the added risk of playing an unstable build.

I have an A21 game I’ve invested many hours in. I’m only playing it on A21.1, because that’s the latest version that’s stable right now. I would anticipate I can play that game on A21.2 eventually, once it gets enough eyes on it to be deemed stable instead of experimental.

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