12 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by GinsengSamurai:
Originally posted by Riitoken: I am a professional Software Engineer. And here is a fact:

"The paying customer is not always right. But the paying customer always has the final word."

Before the customer pays, you tell them what they want to hear. After they pay you tell them the truth.

The paying customer should read the EARLY ACCESS disclaimer before buying Early Access titles. All these people are expecting something else besides an Early Access title. Don't like what Early Access entails? Then don't buy Early Access.
Steam used to really force the EA FAQ in your face, and make you agree to it before purchasing an EA title. Now I think they just kind of suggest you read it on the way to checkout, and maybe not even that. I don't recall any notification other than the information on the store page with my last two EA purchases.

In the end though, it is up to the consumer to do the research on something they are going to purchase. And it is quite obvious that these few complainers did not do any of that at all. They also have the self-entitlement of a child, so that kind of tells you where they are coming from.

What content exists, what changes are made, and how long it takes is all up to the developer. The consumer has little say in this, and should not expect to. You paid for access to the ride. You don't determine what the ride is, or how it is changed over time. If you stop liking the ride, don't take the ride any more, and wait to see what the next change brings. Impatient? That is a you issue. Get help.