over 4 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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I think of it more as the nutritional value of the food, and not how much my stomach and hold. I haven’t done the math, but if I were eating raw potatoes for instance I might have to eat 100 to get adequate nutrients from them.
Perhaps the game could distinguish nutrition from fullness, by refusing to let you eat with the feedback message “Your stomach is full,” similar to when you try to use a bandage when not bleeding. But it’s probably unnecessary - players are expected to recognize that basic, low quality food can do the job but is inefficient.
Perhaps the game could distinguish nutrition from fullness, by refusing to let you eat with the feedback message “Your stomach is full,” similar to when you try to use a bandage when not bleeding. But it’s probably unnecessary - players are expected to recognize that basic, low quality food can do the job but is inefficient.