about 4 years
ago -
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Almost all traps give you a semi-fair amount of forewarning. There's litter everywhere, paper piles, glass piles; But above man-madetraps there's never any, as if it had been swept clean. There's one that even literally has a big 'BEWARE' sign right above it. There's others signaled by visually different floor boards. There's others signaled by a carpet in an odd place.. Another big signal is a strange absence of anything in the room. Another is a big empty space in buildings that otherwise have a lot of clutter. Some signal you by a visual difference in the ceiling on the floor below that you can spot if you're observant, etc, etc.
There's some other tells; But pretty much all fall traps are signaled in some way.
There's some other tells; But pretty much all fall traps are signaled in some way.