over 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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From the pinned FAQ in Questions & Answers:
Q4: I want to play the latest stable build, but I don’t see it in the betas tab with the other versions.
A: The latest stable build is what users download by default instead of a beta build. Select “None” from the betas tab to download it. Note that you may have seen the same build with the same build number on the betas tab in the past, because the build that is now stable, used to be experimental.
Q4: I want to play the latest stable build, but I don’t see it in the betas tab with the other versions.
A: The latest stable build is what users download by default instead of a beta build. Select “None” from the betas tab to download it. Note that you may have seen the same build with the same build number on the betas tab in the past, because the build that is now stable, used to be experimental.