over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
This is currently an un-official diary. TFP haven't started an official discussion yet, but there have been some teasers for upcoming content.

  1. Bandits
  2. Armor
  3. Weather
  4. Factions & Story
  5. Steam Workshop Support
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link

While you’re all enjoying Alpha 21 we thought it would be fun to show off some of the New Character System that is coming along very nicely and will be part of Alpha 22.

Here is a work in progress video of the new player character system and the new plant fiber outfit coming to Alpha 22.

The team is experimenting with some exciting new tech to allow zombie Albedo texture variants that looks very promising. Here are some early examples. Great work by Justin, Shawn and the Character Team.

New 4x4 vehicle work in progress. Supports 5 players, and an assortment of mods to improve it. Coming to a A22. Great work by Justin, James and Yongha.

over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Here is a new Tier 4 Army Camp coming to Alpha 22 and Console. The location supports clear, fetch, restore power and infestation Quests. Great work by Earl!

New Player Marauder Armor is coming soon to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Character Artist 'The Broel'

Undead variants coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Stay Tuned!

Here is an early look at the new Marauder Armor and Bicycle Vehicle coming to Alpha 22 and the Consoles. Great work by the 7 Days Art Team.

Here is a work in progress shot of just a few of the new Player Characters variants and Armor Clothing Sets coming to Alpha 22 and Console.

New recycled can and cardboard pallets coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Hung!

Need a place to stay? Try the Haven Hotel coming to A22 and Console. Great work by Hernan!

over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Honorable_D: Is that new 4x4 a sidegrade to the current one or is it the "ultimate" land vehicle?
Unsure. All the information we've been given so far is right there. Based on the comment, I would assume it's going to be similar to the current model, but with a different mod set to make it more versatile for different functions.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Updated OP

New Player Marauder Armor is coming soon to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Character Artist 'The Broel'
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Came across this video from GNS that gives a good overview of upcoming features.

over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
This is currently an un-official diary. TFP haven't started an official discussion yet, but there have been some teasers for upcoming content.

  1. Bandits
  2. Armor
  3. Weather
  4. Factions & Story
  5. Steam Workshop Support
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link

While you’re all enjoying Alpha 21 we thought it would be fun to show off some of the New Character System that is coming along very nicely and will be part of Alpha 22.

Here is a work in progress video of the new player character system and the new plant fiber outfit coming to Alpha 22.

The team is experimenting with some exciting new tech to allow zombie Albedo texture variants that looks very promising. Here are some early examples. Great work by Justin, Shawn and the Character Team.

New 4x4 vehicle work in progress. Supports 5 players, and an assortment of mods to improve it. Coming to a A22. Great work by Justin, James and Yongha.

over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Here is a new Tier 4 Army Camp coming to Alpha 22 and Console. The location supports clear, fetch, restore power and infestation Quests. Great work by Earl!

New Player Marauder Armor is coming soon to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Character Artist 'The Broel'

Undead variants coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Stay Tuned!

Here is an early look at the new Marauder Armor and Bicycle Vehicle coming to Alpha 22 and the Consoles. Great work by the 7 Days Art Team.

Here is a work in progress shot of just a few of the new Player Characters variants and Armor Clothing Sets coming to Alpha 22 and Console.

New recycled can and cardboard pallets coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Great work by Hung!
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Four wheels move your body, but two wheels move your soul. Here is a new motorbike coming to A22 and consoles. Great work by Yongha!

Here is an early video showing off several new character outfits playing the 3rd person rocket reload animation coming to A22 and console. Great work by Brett!
(Note: I doubt the video embed is going to work here, but the link works fine.)

Meet Grace! The official mutated wild boar coming to Alpha 22 and consoles. Great work by the 7 Days Character Team!

You don't stop riding when you get old; you get old when you stop riding. New Minibike coming to Alpha 22 and consoles. Great work by Yongha!

Here is a new Tier 5 School POI coming to Alpha 22 which is coming to PS5, Xbox X series, and S series Consoles as well. Great work by Eric!

New animals and fur shader coming to Alpha 22 and consoles. Nice work by Won. Folks it will be this year.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
New decals are coming to Alpha 22 on PC, P55 and Xbox X and S series consoles. Great work by Hung and Brian. And yes, folks the console versions will be out this year. Stay tuned!

Here is a WIP coyote just part of the new animals coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles this year folks! Great work by Wonanimal!

The fur is flying over at TFP as the team is creating a herd of new animals. Great work by the 7 Days character team and Daniel on the tech. Stay tuned, this content is coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles this year!
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
The Old thread ran out of room at the top for the images. Started a new one, hopefully with enough reserved space for all the new art they keep showing off. Just added the gore images from yesterday's post.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Little pig… little pig let me come in. New animals coming to A22 and consoles. Great work by Brett!
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by .♥~*°("_")°*~♥.: About Tier 4 Army Camp & Haven Hotel, there's already some prefab modder who already build since a very long time some many very similar prefab for a20... Very strange...
Not so much when you consider that TFP has maybe hired some of those modders.
12 months ago - - Direct link

After much anticipation, I’m happy to kick off the Version 1.0 Developer Diary (formerly known as Alpha 22). Here you'll find a compilation of confirmed features and content for Version 1.0. Fun Pimp devs may occasionally post updates here on what they're working on, answer questions, and give us sneak peeks into the future of 7 Days to Die.


Like in previous diaries, we want this thread to stay focused on discussing the following features and content, and other things TFP devs want to discuss. We’ll make an effort to only list confirmed features and content, not rumored or merely contemplated features that haven’t seen proof of development/implementation. Please limit discussion in this thread to these topics, so that the diary doesn’t become bloated. Chatter not pertaining to Version 1.0 may be moved or removed.




Version 1.0 Target Release Dates: 

Streamer Event: June 21 2024

Experimental Beta: June 24 2024

Stable PC Release: July 25 2024

Console Release: July 25 2024


Confirmed Version 1.0 Features


  • New armor system
    • All new art
    • Replaces old clothing & armor systems
    • Themed armor sets like farmer, lumberjack, commando
    • Armor sets still consist of pieces that can be mixed & matched
    • Acquire and wear the complete set for a bonus
    • First person hands reflect what you’re wearing
  • New player character system
    • All new player character base models to choose from
    • Customize appearance with different parts like face, eyes, hair, facial hair
    • Redone animations to support the new characters & armor
    • New shaders for hair, eyes, and skin
    • Updated player profile editor (source)
  • New zombie variants
    • Individual zombies will spawn with one of several albedo texture variants
    • Tech allows for one zombie model to have different clothing designs, hair colors, skin colors, etc.
    • Performs better than old UMA zombies
  • New animal art
    • Animals use a new fur shader
    • New stag
    • New cougar with new animations
    • New bear
    • New pig and/or boar
    • New coyote
    • New wolf
    • New rabbit
    • New Grace (mutated boar)
  • New vehicle art
    • Vehicle appearance changes depending on the mods installed
    • New bicycle
    • New minibike
    • New motorcycle
    • New 4x4
    • New gyrocopter (source)
  • New points of interest (POIs)
    • Tier 4 army camp
    • Tier 5 school
    • Haven Hotel
    • Tier 2 commercial business strip
    • Tier 5 football stadium (source)
    • Tier 2 apartment building (source)
    • more wilderness POIs unconnected to roads to discover
    • new POI trigger improvements, like AND/OR logic for doors (source 1) (source 2)
  • RWG improvements
    • reduced memory usage
    • improved stamp performance
    • faster road generation (source)
    • improved road smoothing
    • roads carve through mountains
    • improvements to RWG preview camera
    • improved UI layout for RWG creation
    • new biome generation algorithm places less blocky biomes, insures all biomes are present, and may put one biome in the center (source)
    • burnt forest biome is back in RWG
  • New props/world art
    • Pallets of recycled cans and cardboard
    • Campsite tents
    • Road decals
    • Can place blocks on top of road paint (source)
  • New graphics & visual effects
    • Fire barrel
    • New blood effects when bleeding
    • New blood effects when dismembered
    • New gore art/tech for dismembered zombies
    • New contact shadows and ambient occlusion (source)
  • Optimization/Performance
    • A new window tinting system makes window glass opaque until you get close. Occluding the interior improves performance, especially for skyscrapers.
    • Game updated to Unity 2022 LTS with better Vulkan and DX12 support (source)
    • New lighting update manager
    • Ambient occlusion better handles large amounts of props (source)
    • Block entities (props) spawn over multiple frames (source)
    • Gameplay balancing is ongoing.
  • Console Edition
    • Version 1.0 will be released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S along with Windows/Mac/Linux.
    • It will be the same game on PC and console, with the same features & content.
    • TFP are in talks hoping to offer a discount for players that own the legacy 2016 console release.


Post-1.0 Roadmap


  • Storm’s Brewing (Q4 2024)
    • Weather system & biome progression overhaul (source)
    • Wardrobe system
    • Crossplay/random gen for consoles
    • Plus: additional zombie stages, spawn near friend, Twitch drops, outfit DLCs and much more
  • A New Threat (Q2 2025)
    • Bandits
    • UI/main menu overhaul
    • Event system
    • New quest type
  • The Road Ahead (Q4 2025)
    • Trader overhaul
    • Story mode
    • Steam workshop support
    • New quest type



12 months ago - faatal - Direct link

What happened to a quick A22 was what often happens to an alpha. A single large feature ends up taking a long time. The new player models, shaders, hair, animations and outfits was a big undertaking and has caused a lot of bugs. We have had two major programming issues and now the game play programming portions of it are left to Lathan and I to finish. I am currently fixing helmet lights that got screwed up by how equipment objects are built vs events being fired. Player hand/feet IK is broken on vehicles due to using a new Unity IK system, which I need to port our code over to. We have a ways to go.

Burnt forest was never removed. The biome was removed from RWG and adding it back only took a few hours and that includes code cleanup, so there is that benefit too.

12 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Many, plus many console programmers, but we all have our areas we work in. We lost two successive programmers working on player body/outfits/equipment, leaving Lathan and I to finish it. We have a new graphics programmer doing skin/hair shaders and mesh work and other gfx tech, but that is a different area.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Less RAM has been the biggest issue, especially on XBox Series S. We have reduced memory usage of many different systems. Art is now getting optimization attention to use less memory.

This time around, the console version is sharing the same project files as PC/Mac/Linux, so it is all the same, except for occasional checks in code for required differences. A good example is file system access. PS5 and XBox each have different systems and rules to read/write files than PC/Mac/Linux.

The gyrocopter has a new model with a passenger seat that I will be replacing the old model with, when I get to it. It will still fly the same, as it is a gryocopter, not helicopter. If we add a helicopter some day, that would fly like a helicopter.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Vehicles physics may get minor tweaks, but they should not be getting any major changes. Sounds have not changed. No UI changes in 22.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Correct. Road carving is not tunneling. It is pushing terrain heights down and smoothing around it to make a more reasonably sloped road, so you can drive up it without the vehicle stopping.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

1 No. I consider vehicle physics to be close to gold. There are a few issues like excess wobble to the sides on 2 wheelers, but that is a fix. Sounds may get an update, but they are fine to me other than a bug or two with how they play.

2 We already support DX12 and Vulkan. How well it works, mostly depends on Unity. Each year we update to the next Unity LTS and it seems to get better. A22 is on Unity 2022 LTS.

3 Not much from what I have seen but that could change in future Unity versions.

4 Not sure. Have not seen any yet.

5 It is possible, but not A22.

6 Not yet decided.

7 Sure!

Because that is complicated. You have to spawn in a tunnel POI along the road. The distances vary greatly, so length of POI would have to stretch or select from canned sizes and they can't be arbitrarily rotated like roads are. It could tunnel through the chunks, but chunks don't exist at the world generation level, so you would have to add them on world load or dynamically as those chunks load. Complicated...

We will keep dialing it in. The new 4x4 model plow mod reduces damage significantly and there is a book that will reduced it some for all vehicles.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

It disappeared from RWG because we decided to remove it, so Robert stopped generating it, then later we decided to leave it in, so I added it back to RWG.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

It could still happen someday, but it is not on a roadmap or anything.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

1 The flicker is a limitation with settings due to issues with motion vectors in some of our shaders that needs research to fix.

2 Maybe someday. WIP

3 Maybe none. CPU use and main thread limitations is the main issue, not loading speed.

4 Hands use their own camera, which I would like to remove at some point, but then FOV issues.

5 All player anims have or will probably be changing.

6 Don't know

7 No plans

8 No plans

9 Don't know

10 Not likely

11 Unstable for some people

12 Don't know

13 FSR has motion vector issues as TAA does. DLSS has odd bugs making it unreliable and needs research. They don't just drop in and work.

14 No. DLSS looks good when it works.

15 Time

16 Vehicle wheel rotation speed clamping

No new biomes planned, but we have plenty of ideas for future projects.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link


11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Pretty much any large game has its own engine on top of whatever game engine is being used. In the case of 7dtd you have entities, voxels, occlusion, AI, audio, dynamic music, networking, mod support, file/object/data management and many other things that are engine systems on top of Unity and could be used in other games. Blood Moons uses much of that, so it is 7dtd at its core.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

There are no hard dates. Console delays would typically be from failing submission, having to make changes, resubmit and waiting on approval. Almost all console games fail certification the first few times as there are tons of requirements to pass.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Yes. Works like grass.

11 months ago - faatal - Direct link

No plans to add back zombie looting. I find it tedious.

Block ambient occlusion has returned, so interiors are darker separate from ambient light. We still change the ambient light for indoor/outdoor, but subtle.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Yes, any entity being drawn in the world decreases performance whether dead or alive, so removing them is also good.

Inside/outside ambient light scaling is already in worldglobal.xml since it was implemented. It is not meant as a simulation of eyes. It was simply to make outside bright and inside dark as ambient light is a global value, so you can't use it to make part of a mesh dark and other part bright. Block ambient occlusion does allow different parts of the mesh at different brightness values, but the implementation had problems and was not fast. The improved version works better.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

I don't think modding zombies will be all that different, but it is hard to remember a years worth of changes.

Textures? Artists make those.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Console play is peer to peer without cross-play. Once cross-play is released then you could log on to a dedicated server running on a PC/Linux OS. I am not working on any of that, but I believe that is how it will be.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link


Yes, because the dozen programmers working on 7dtd are all needed to help artists get new content into the game. Some people...

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Yes, except the increase in players is not guaranteed. More players uses more memory in some cases, so additional memory optimizations may need to be found for it to run reliably.

8k RWG maps is the current limit. Also due to memory limits.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

There are about the same of each type.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

That has yet to be determined.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Each zombie adds rendering, animation, collision and character controller overhead. You can turn off AI and watch the FPS drop as you spawn more and more.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

That is why many of the games that have clothing/armor with bonuses also have cosmetic slots to allow them to look different for the players that care about cosmetics.

Cosmetics is something we may do after a22. At this point most devs have their plates full for a22 and we are not doing additional features unless critical.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

More RWG changes coming to A22:

Improved player spawn locations.

Added rwgmixer biomeTags which limits to one or more biomes (requires partial_name).
Added trader types are each in their own biome (with a min of 2).

Improved town planning quality.
Adjusted township counts and sizes.
Added biome township count logging and trader logging.
Balanced lakes, rivers, craters, canyons, township and wilderness settings.

Added POI spawning limits based on surrounding density in world.
Improved POI spawning fallback to use a smaller size but ignore name restriction.

Added preview coloring for districts (3 brightness levels each) and traders.
Improved preview POI descriptions and added score.

This is the current default 8k map:

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Well, if I added a colon as it would appear in our change log, it would be more clear:

Added: Trader types are each in their own biome (with a min of 2).

I don't think there will be more traders, but could happen in a DLC or sequel in a galaxy far far away.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Yes. Future biome progression/survival/story will probably tie into specific traders, but that is all subject to change.

You can change it by modding rwgmixer.xml:

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

No new stamps. Artists would typically make those. We could use more. Not planning on making it procedural.

Yes. Any POI could be listed with any combination of biomes.

It could do more than 10k, but no plans for it. We would have to test to see what memory is needed and if we need to, then disable it on some hardware.

You should get more buildings now anyway with the recent changes as cities/towns generate more successfully and even more so if you increase Towns to Many.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Is the same. I have not looked at that code. It may or may not change.

Town planning changes involve more successfully making towns on the map. It failed a lot before due to excessive randomness and retrying the whole process instead of specific sections. The town tiles are the same layouts.

A township is a city, town, countrytown, oldwest or roadside type of location made up of a random range of tiles and these change based on world size.

Yes, we want better and more stamp variety, but there is no timeline for when that might happen.

Towns don't have a shape. I think they just grow in random directions, but I have not looked at that code, but plan to as I improve the systems.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Towns flatten terrain, except for mountains. Terrain is generated first, so the more mountains, the less success towns have in generating and you would get less. I reduced mountain max scale a bit and may reduce the default mountain percent. I recently removed mountains from wasteland to allow bigger cities there, but their success rate is not as good as I hoped, so needs more work to figure out why.

I don't think anything is adding them after. Cities/towns use up the space pretty well now.

Maybe. Artists add those, not me.

10 months ago - faatal - Direct link

Yes, specific traders appear in specific biomes in A22, but this could change as we test and iterate on the design.