over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
This is not a feature that is likely to ever make it into the vanilla game.

One of the biggest points in 7DTD is Time Management; Using your time wisely so that your eventual horde night is tackleable instead of overwhelming.

Sitting around for 6-8 ingame hours is not good time management. Yes, Even in the early days, Yes, Even day 1, night 1. There is always something you could be doing, but are choosing not to.

You could be mining; Keep a close ear out and you can mine all night long. Yeah, you won't get much with a stone axe, but it's a lot more material and exp than you would get from just sitting there.

You could be building, Placing and upgrading frames doesn't really make sound.

You could be planning. You could be crafting. You could be carefully exploring in stealth. You could be doing a lot of things.

Your day time should not really be used for doing anything that could be done at night instead; In fact, your day should be used to plan for your night.. Since you're the kind who is likely scared of going out at night, then you should be planning ahead of time by chopping a lot of trees to get frames, Or looting for parts for a forge and pickaxe, and then mining up a bunch of iron so that you can get a pickaxe up ASAP; Or any number of other things.

But you shouldn't just be sitting around. If you're sitting around doing nothing, You either chose to do so, Or you failed to set yourself up for the night using your day.
over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by ThirdGen:
Originally posted by Neo-Rio: If there's one thing I hate about this game it's waiting around at night time, usually huddled in your base. Usually at the start of the game where you can't work through the night on anything.

Can't there just be a system implemented where the player can actually sleep and speed up time? I know how the noise system works, but if you aren't making any noise, it's unlikely the zombies are going to find you. If they do, the game should wake you up. Crazy idea, I know... but if a zombie gets in proximity of you and bangs a door you shouldn't be able to sleep.

Sorry, I've just gone by many an in-game night while not making any noise just so the zombies leave me alone and it's boring just waiting around.

With all due respect,r I don't understand why some players hate not being able to sleep at night. Why not venture out at night? Is the challenge too difficult? All that time sleeping could be spent gathering and preparing. It is detrimental to the game's purpose and the player's ability to be properly armed, stored, and defended. Personally, I love the thrill and the jump scares. I've got over 1100 hours so far in this game and at the point that I'm at with experience, I can take this game on with melee weapons, enemies set to RUN in the daytime, SPRINT at night, and NIGHTMARE for ferals (applies to day and night) and I can still survive with a spear, sledge, blunderbuss and bow with these settings. Sorry, but there's literally zero excuse as to why you need to "wait around" at night. Just pure laziness and lack of imagination and the hunger for a good thrill. Maybe this type of game isn't for you? Or maybe you just need a nice kick in the bum?
I've never understood the reasoning behind it either. I do all my best looting at night. I get the buff that unlocks all inventory space at night from the book, and that makes it even better. Then during the day when I can see stuff, is when I do my building and working.

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