9 months
ago -
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We can hope it is part of the "and much much more" description of the 1.0 feature list. I agree that if they decided not to pursue individualized food items to match the inventory icons that they should just remove the current asset and have the sound and motion without any item being held. Lots of games do eating and drinking solely by making the icon disappear from the inventory so it wouldn't even be out of the ordinary for them to do that.
I don't think it was a lie as the original meat we ate looked like a rack of ribs and then it was changed to the food wallet thing as a generic texture and I remember them planning to eventually change it. I think "lie" is probably too strong a word. If they originally planned to do it but then changed their mind that isn't the same thing as saying they would do it when they never planned to. I know that wasn't the case.
I don't think it was a lie as the original meat we ate looked like a rack of ribs and then it was changed to the food wallet thing as a generic texture and I remember them planning to eventually change it. I think "lie" is probably too strong a word. If they originally planned to do it but then changed their mind that isn't the same thing as saying they would do it when they never planned to. I know that wasn't the case.