over 1 year
ago -
Crater Creator
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Originally posted by FT: ...The darkening inside buildings is a pretty easy-to-tweak XML, and the game looks nice with it set to stay similar or even get slightly brighter indoors (like your eyes adjusting to the indoor lack of sunlight)...so I'm not sure why it's currently set to get so much darker inside.
The next time you open the game, your building insides shouldn't get noticeably darker during the day anymore.
There's plenty more you can do in that XML, but this seems to be the most subtle way with the fewest changes.
I did some testing of these settings myself. I found that you can also set ambientInsideThreshold to 1.0 to turn off the effect, without having to tune in ambientInsideSkyScale.
P.S. Please check your private messages, FT!