about 4 years
ago -
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Originally posted by Ming: Sorry to say, but this sounds like a problem with some files in your install. And or you have remnants of mods hiding in there breaking things. If it was a wide spread issue we would see posts about it all the time. You are literally the first person I have seen post about this.He's not the first- But the thing everyone i've seen with this issue has in common is that they modified item stack sizes to be vastly above the norm, which causes issues with the data storage. Namely that the game has a certain amount of byte space assigned to tracking items within each respective container; and making huge stacks and shoving them into chests will cause the byte usage to overflow what it has assigned, which causes a reset of the container and the items inside it. Some containers that only have a few item slots, like turrets and generators, are assigned under a single container header- so when one resets, they all reset.
Given that OP is modding in some way shape or form, not necessarily limited to but absolutely including modding stack sizes, They should properly reinstall the game, That is to say, total blank slate using the clean game data option in the launcher before uninstalling and reinstalling the game followed by a verify to be sure(Perhaps even go to the game folder and make sure every file is gone, in case some old mod or file lingers), and see if the issue persists prior to re-modding the game.