over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
If i recall right, The sound of the breaking ceiling will alert other zombies in the ceiling who will then go into search mode and also fall through their own respective part of the ceiling- Subsequently, if any one of the alert zombies find you, including the one you originally aggroed/shot, other nearby zombies will likely locate you in short order. Not really janky, i guess, Just maybe a bit unexpected? Sleeping zombies are alerted and woken by sounds.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
And to be fair, it's not "stealth" and never has been. It's sneaking at best.

There are a few areas where entering the volume will trigger all of the zeds to wake up. There are also a couple where entering an area triggers a zed in a separate area.

Once you understand the full mechanics of the system, and realize that this isn't Thief-style mechanics, the system is extremely effective. You also eventually learn the POI's where sneaking doesn't work all the time and learn to work around it.

If you were able to 100% avoid the assault of zeds, what fun would there be in playing? I mean, I like the sneak build myself. It's been my preferred playstyle in a19. Usually I go for distance shooting or run-and-gun.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by 「Blanc」: Thanks for the clarification, but there is one thing about that, I never shot at any of the zombies or made much noise at all, so I don't see how I could've gotten their aggro, unless its scripted for them to fall through the ceiling upon entering the room.
That's what I was saying. There are areas that are scripted that way.