about 1 year
ago -
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If you can just sleep through the night and avoid all nighttime danger, or just take a nap and instantly recover from your injuries with no added resource cost... Then what is the point of night time or having wounds?
You have 7 days until the horde, And the game is balanced around utilizing both day and night to be prepared for it. You should be making use of the night time hours to craft and build or mine for resources if you're not interested in going out and doing a quest you saved for night time or otherwise looting/fighting through POIs at night.
Making good use of your time is how the game is designed to be played out- So it's pretty unlikely that they'll provide a method of sleeping through the night any time soon.
You have 7 days until the horde, And the game is balanced around utilizing both day and night to be prepared for it. You should be making use of the night time hours to craft and build or mine for resources if you're not interested in going out and doing a quest you saved for night time or otherwise looting/fighting through POIs at night.
Making good use of your time is how the game is designed to be played out- So it's pretty unlikely that they'll provide a method of sleeping through the night any time soon.