about 4 years
ago -
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If noone is online, Time is frozen. If one player is one, then zombies will only spawn in the vicinity of that player; not near any other base(s) you might have.
Also gamestage is determined by player level and player time survived- The actual day number doesn't matter anymore. It could be day 4000000000, and if a level 1 player who's been playing for 30 minutes goes through a horde night, they will get a stupidly easy horde that might spawn 5 zombies, tops.
So don't stress it.
Also gamestage is determined by player level and player time survived- The actual day number doesn't matter anymore. It could be day 4000000000, and if a level 1 player who's been playing for 30 minutes goes through a horde night, they will get a stupidly easy horde that might spawn 5 zombies, tops.
So don't stress it.