6 months
ago -
Crater Creator
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With the caveat that I am not a lawyer, technically I believe you could revert to an earlier alpha, e.g. the one that was available when you bought the game. Then you could play that version without accepting the new EULA. You would still be accepting the EULA that came with that version though. At no point was there not an EULA to accept.
Do you actually have an example of a computer game that you legally “own”? Because I’ve looked at agreements going back to eighties games, and it is always “licensed, not sold.” It is a license agreement, after all. Sorry to be pedantic but on this point of not owning the game, 7DtD is like every other game on Steam.
Originally posted by Kara: I remember when you bought a game, you OWNED your copy of the game to play as much as you so choose! These devs are saying "agree to annnnything we say that violates your ownership of your data and very own PC, or you no longer get to play the game you PURCHASED".
Do you actually have an example of a computer game that you legally “own”? Because I’ve looked at agreements going back to eighties games, and it is always “licensed, not sold.” It is a license agreement, after all. Sorry to be pedantic but on this point of not owning the game, 7DtD is like every other game on Steam.