about 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
This thread is going down the path to a “prone to huge arguments” thread, which is against the rules. I formally ask that users stay on the topic of the Kelvin scale. Further discussion or reference to racism in this thread will risk moderator action.
about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Kelvin is pretty awful at defining the human experience, far worse even than Celsius. Fahrenheit is the best at describing the human experience- We can feel the difference between 50f, and 51f, but can't really tell the difference in half a degree of change in fahrenheit; But that same change in celsius is 10 to 10.555~, and that same change in kelvin is 283.15 to 283.706.

If you need decimals to differentiate a temperature that humans are experiencing, you're doing it wrong.

Celsius is great for precise measurement- Kelvin is great for scientific usage, but neither is particularly apt for the human experience, and neither was designed FOR the human experience.

With that said, having kelvin added probably wouldnt be a hard thing to do....I just question the need for it when the range of temperatures in game is like, 30 to 90. which is 272.039 to 305.372 kelvin.

(Edit: I was typing out this whole reply and Crater sent his message while I was at it; So I'll edit out what was below here.)
about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Armitage Shanks: De gustibus non est disputandum.

Many people enjoy sauerkraut, reality TV, and the sound of the accordion. We live in a world of options, but Kelvin is rarely one of them. I am attempting to address this discrepancy.
And while I understand that, Simply put, you're arguing to make a more non-intuitive form of measurement commonplace- A spoon CAN be used to cut through a steak, But it's a rather dumb way of doing it; So would you then argue that spoons are rarely used as a form of cutlery when eating a steak? (Or, if you think spoon is too much of a stretch, then, butter knife.)

Kelvin is great- It has it's place, it has it's uses. General human society is not one of those places, It's far too granular and encompasses a scale so massive that most can't even fathom a fraction of it, let alone the scale in it's entirety. Most people don't understand or fully comprehend the concept of 'absolute zero', But they do understand normal 0 in fahrenheit or celsius as '♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cold'.
about 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Ming: I rate this the weirdest discussion of the year so far.

I mean I see no harm in adding kelvin, but I will never, ever select that option. Lets just go to walmart and buy a kelvin thermometer. Oh right, we can't.
I thought "Hey Amazon has like everything!", but then couldn't find any there.

Found some here...

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