over 4 years
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Land claim bonuses have NO effect on zombies at all. It's specifically only for players and for claiming an area (Yes it has benefits even in SP)
Technically speaking, The player can only have one bedroll as it is. If you place a second bedroll, the first bedroll becomes non-functional until such a time as the new second bedroll is destroyed or removed. I don't think it'd be possible to make the player incapable of placing a second bedroll to begin with- But lets be real here, If you found a way to do that, those players would just not bother using a bedroll at their base, preferring to take it with them to a POI that they plan on looting....So you're going to lose here either way, may as well just not fuss too much over it.
With A19, you kinda don't need to disable vehicles on the blood moon? Vultures will make quick work of anyone who thinks that a vehicle is a free ride now. But no there is no current way that I know of to disable vehicles on the blood moon. TFP toyed with the idea of having an EMP like that only occured during the blood moon that would disable vehicles on horde night, but, ultimately decided against it and did the vulture thing instead.
Technically speaking, The player can only have one bedroll as it is. If you place a second bedroll, the first bedroll becomes non-functional until such a time as the new second bedroll is destroyed or removed. I don't think it'd be possible to make the player incapable of placing a second bedroll to begin with- But lets be real here, If you found a way to do that, those players would just not bother using a bedroll at their base, preferring to take it with them to a POI that they plan on looting....So you're going to lose here either way, may as well just not fuss too much over it.
With A19, you kinda don't need to disable vehicles on the blood moon? Vultures will make quick work of anyone who thinks that a vehicle is a free ride now. But no there is no current way that I know of to disable vehicles on the blood moon. TFP toyed with the idea of having an EMP like that only occured during the blood moon that would disable vehicles on horde night, but, ultimately decided against it and did the vulture thing instead.