almost 4 years
ago -
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You're working off deprecated information/old memory. There used to only be one vehicle: The Minibike. And that vehicle only had storage if you found a shopping basket to put on it.
But that's no longer the case; We have several vehicles now and all of them have storage built in, no need to 'equip' the vehicle with a basket. So, the basket item was removed since it is no longer necessary, and you can thereby no longer pick up baskets.
Hold E to interact on the vehicle and select the storage option to access the inventory of the vehicle; Most have more storage than the one before it, so Bicycle
But that's no longer the case; We have several vehicles now and all of them have storage built in, no need to 'equip' the vehicle with a basket. So, the basket item was removed since it is no longer necessary, and you can thereby no longer pick up baskets.
Hold E to interact on the vehicle and select the storage option to access the inventory of the vehicle; Most have more storage than the one before it, so Bicycle