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Haven’t played this game in awhile and wow, it seems even more buggy than when I last played it. Playing on PlayStation pro.

There is no doubt that this game, watchdogs Legion, they released primarily due to their financial year ending or something to that nature, because these games are so clearly unfinished. I’m in assassins Creed Valhalla is probably the buggy is game in the franchise since unity

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @LaMOi,

Sorry to hear about your experience.

Can you please provide us with more details regarding bugs that you've encountered, so we can check if they've been reported already? Additionally, you can check our list of megathreads to follow the status of reported issues, as we're providing updates from the development team regarding reported issues 🙂

PS; I move this thread to the Player Support section for better visibility.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@lamoi Apologies for the late response. I am sorry to hear that you experienced this.

I can confirm that we have received several reports from other players who have encountered that particular issue, however in their cases Eivor flew up into the sky then they desynchronised and it reloaded their previous save. The development team are currently investigating.

Have you only experienced this once? And can you confirm which map this happened on? Also if you happened to record video of the issue could you please provide a link to the video.

With regards to performance issues, could you please go through the PlayStation 4 troubleshooting to see if that helps in anyway.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @LaMOi,

Thank you for the update!

As the development team are currently investigating this particular issue, we will let everyone know once we have an update through these forums. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

@lamoi I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way about the game. If you happen to have clipped that issue we can forward it to the dev team to report it.