Original Post — Direct link

I have finished all of the rivers, their missions, gotten all the gear. When I go to purchase an upgrade for my jomsviking hall that is presently at level 4, it takes my money and buys another level 4. It never upgrades.
What a crappy BUG!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @digitalcleaner

We are aware of an issue when levelling the Jomsviking Hall to level 4, the message displayed on the screen congratulates you for upgrading it to level 3.

Is this the same or different to what you are experiencing?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey there @DiGiTaLCLeaNeR,

To assist you further, we will need to clarify the exact nature of the issue you are experiencing, as well as gather a short video clip demonstrating the issue so that this can be passed to the development team.

Could you possibly provide a video following the steps described by @bielik01 as well, so that before you perform an upgrade, we can see the "true" level of your Jomsviking Hall? Then, once you have performed the upgrade, look again to see if this has changed or is the same?

Thank you. 🙂