My main setup are two pieces of the Wayland armor and two pieces of the Paladin armor. Wayland armor adds a bit of your assassination damage to meele attacks, Pladin armor buffs melee damage by a flat amount. Both my weapons and my armor are slotted with attack and assassination damage runes. I'm max level.
Without my gear my Melee Damage is at 129.8
With my gear equiped it is at 233.5
So roughly an 80% increase.
However, when attacking enemies (or in my case the dummies in Fornburg), this huge increase plummets to what amounts to basically nothing. Using the Ulfberth Sword from the recent River Raids update, my light attacks did ~48 damage without my gear equiped and ~52 damage with my usual loadout. 80% more meele damage translate into 4 more points in attack damage.
Either there is a hard cap for damage buffs or the armor set bonuses just don't work properly. Why even have a stat system when your equipement doesn't change any of your damage output? The same thing goes by the way for critical chance: unlike in Odyssey, where we had a percentage (which makes sense), we now have a flat number and noone really knows what it means. You guys had this all figured out in Odyssey, why make it worse now?