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Black level look washed out grayish in HDR .. all the blacks are not true black .. sdr looking better in dark areas .. any fix for this

about 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Hi, @ahmadmf74! Welcome to the forums!

I'm sorry to hear this and would be glad to take a look. Do you have a screenshot or clip showing an example of what you're looking at? Also, does this occur everywhere in-game or just in certain areas? When did this first begin happening for you?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@ahmadmf74 Thanks for sending in those pictures, and apologies for the delayed response!

I can confirm that this issue has been forwarded to the team, and they are looking into the matter. Once any updates are available, they will be posted in these forums.

Please feel free to reach out with any other questions!