Black Shuck Sound Glitch!Akmav0GhnaZogmlH0xBFh6aKT1pf?e=pAHE7x
This is an odd one that I'm certain you'll want to fix. After exiting the area with the Black Shuck, I sat and watched as it returned to the kill it feeds on located at the center. It just sat there, as shown in the video, until some audio played along the following lines:
"Enter under support text under support here."
I only captured this audio once, but it would actually repeat every 10 seconds or so. I reloaded my game and was able to make it happen a second time meaning it should be repeatable.
Grantebridge Broom... Glitch?!Akmav0GhnaZogmpWIhCjbX0D7zEw?e=5pz8uY
Not nearly as important, but funny none the less. A sweeper and his magical floating broom, captured at the longhouse in Grantebridge. The sweeping sounds he makes don't always match up with the animation either. Maybe vikings had mastery over the force a long time ago, on a continent far, far away?