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Hi, so again the problem with the missing key in Tuam cavern. I`ve tried all the suggestions for the workaround, but no luck. And as it goes, there were some problems with automatic save game at the time of my first time doing the part of the `search for the cursed` in Tuam and that was almost a month ago. So, no key to loot from the druids, no key in my inventory, quit to desktop/launch the game again not resolving the problem, neither is going far away from Tuam for more than 21 min. Should I just quit the game and my Ubisoft + account or the problem will finally be resolved?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @Janna198926 apologies for the late response.

I'm also sorry to hear that you you are missing the key required in the quest 'Into the Fog'.

An issue was reported for this quest where the key could not be looted if the enemies in the cave had been killed before starting the quest.

You mentioned that you experienced a save issue, could you explain in more detail what happened. And can you confirm if you killed the enemies in the cave before starting the quest?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Could you try loading back to one of those other saves please and try collecting it again @Janna198926?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @Janna198926 thanks for the update.

I am unsure why your saves are defined as 'exclusive quest' this is strange. Could you confirm if you have any manual saves and if all of your auto saves are defined as 'exclusive quest'?

As a test could you also try creating a new manual save to see if it does the same thing.

I'm afraid if you have no earlier saves that you can load, then you would be unable to workaround this issue. As with the previous issue that we mentioned before which was reported where the key could not be looted after clearing out the cave before accepting the quest, unfortunately the development team were unable to reproduce this and after thorough investigation confirmed that they were unable to continue looking into a potential fix as they needed to focus on issues that have a comparatively higher impact on the gameplay experience.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @The_Schwarz1 @Karin820 I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced the same issue with the key in the quest 'Into the Fog'.

I can only recommend trying to load a previous save before you started the quest then try again.

As I mentioned previously in this thread, there was a similar issue reported where the key could not be looted after clearing out the cave before accepting the quest, unfortunately the development team were unable to reproduce this and after thorough investigation confirmed that they were unable to continue looking into a potential fix as they needed to focus on issues that have a comparatively higher impact on the gameplay experience.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@The_Schwarz1 I am unsure how that particular players issue was resolved with an update.

There has been three different issues reported that are related to the quest 'Into the Fog'.

  • Quest "Into the Fog" disappeared from the quest log [Fixed with update 1.3.1]
  • Unable to unlock prison door in Tuam in "Into the Fog" [Fixed with update 1.3.0]
  • Cannot loot key in "Into the fog" after clearing out the cave before accepting the quest [Could not reproduce/Unable to fix]

The issue where players could not unlock the prison door occurred when players had the prison key in their inventory but could not unlock the prison door. Also for the issue where the key could not be looted after clearing out the cave, the development team were unable to reproduce this as I mentioned previously.

There is currently a known issue that is being investigated, where if the 'Light-Fingered' skill is equipped key items are not collected, it's possible this is what has happened here. The workaround is to load a previous save, reset the skill then try again, however I understand this is not an option for you.

I'm afraid the development team would be unable to edit your save file to help you finish this quest.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@The_Schwarz1 as a gamer myself I can fully understand your frustration.

I have reported this issue to the development team as it may be linked to the issue with the Light-Fingered skill that I mentioned in my previous response.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@The_Schwarz1 you're welcome.

I'm also sorry to hear that you experienced an issue with a bear on your save.

If we need any additional information from you I will let you know, thanks.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@The_Schwarz1 I have looked into this further and you are correct this issue was listed as fixed in update 1.5.2. The fix applied was to respawn the enemy with the key when the quest started if he was killed before accepting the quest.

However, some players later reported that they experienced the issue again after the update and the issue was reopened for investigation but the development team were unable to reproduce it.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@The_Schwarz1 thanks for providing those steps, I'll forward them on to the development team.